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- Nasal defect resulting from trauma or cancer
- Local or general
- 2 - 4hrs
In / Outpatient
- Outpatient or inpatient, depending on complexity
- Defects of the nose are reconstructed using local skin and mucosal flaps
- The bone and cartilage framework of the nose is rebuilt with cartilage graft (taken from the patients ear or rib cartilage), or bone graft (taken from the patient’s skull or pelvis).
- Swelling and bruising affecting the nose and adjacent eyelids peak at 2 days after surgery and rapidly resolve over the next 2 weeks
- Return to school or work after 1 week, but no strenuous activity or contact sports for 6 weeks
- Subtle swelling and numbness of the nasal tip will remain for up to 6rnonths
- Provides a permanent correction
- Infection, hematoma, scarring, nosebleed
- Residual asymmetry or deformity
- Often, additional minor revisional procedures may be required